The Hit Doctor® USA
Training systems
Regarded by many as one the Top Baseball Training Programs in the USA!


Hit Doctor trainers go through intensive training and education so that they have the ability to work with what each individual player brings to the table. There is no one way to hit or pitch and every great player is an original. It is imperative that each coach understands his role as a guide helping each player to find his own secrets to success by employing the Hit Doctor System.
Video tape each player, identify natural style and strengths, identify how the player tends to fail, identify player needs and weaknesses, identify pro model that he resembles, attack weaknesses with drills that are specific to his needs, monitor his progress daily, test periodically, re-group and re-plan.
Whether it be Hitting, Pitching, Defense, or Physically every Hit Doctor USA® student goes through a similar training system:
1. The student is tested, scored, and video-taped monthly.
2. The Coach and player compare the player’s video with that of a MLB star with a similar style and swing.
3. The Hit Doctor instructor will point out the differences between the student and the pro. If there are no differences, we will hire you to come work at the HD USA!
4. The coach and the player will immediately collaborate and make a long-term plan and a monthly plan to improve in the specific area that needs improvement
5. The coach monitors the athlete on a daily basis.
6. At the end of the month the player is tested again and repeats the process.